Monday, December 22, 2008

2008 12 22 Santo Domingo, The Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is an interesting country, with a mix of over 120 cultures. There is a huge population and the economy is struggling. Politics is politics and people in high places enjoy the nicest homes. Here is a photo of the electric service that goes into homes and buildings throughout the city. The mesh of wires is everywhere - down every street and intersection. It sags into the street and down sidewalks and the locals tell us service is unreliable and is often out several times a day, often for hours at a time. The next photo is of the Presidential Palace - it is just like our White House - complete with armed guards. We've heard much of the state of the economy from island country to island country throughout the Caribbean - no jobs, slow tourism, and the numbers of poor is growing at an alarming rate. They are concerned.

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