Thursday, December 27, 2007

2007 12/27 Routeturn Track - Day 3 - The Finish

Day 3 - We awakened to the sound of raindrops.

Unfortunately, we couldn't stay in bed - we had another day of hiking ahead. Yesterday's sunshine was a memory. At least today's segment was the easiest leg of our trek - downhill and with relatively few rocks and tree roots.

As you can see, this place is gorgeous - even in the rain. The meadows, rivers, and magnificent gorges - What an awe inspiring place!

Pic #2 - Nancy finishing!

Pic #3 - Nancy & Joe at the finish

Pic #4 - Our Group - Happy to toast our success at Glenorchy Pub for a celebratory beer with our mates! Let's get out of these wet clothes!

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