Sunday, March 29, 2009

2009 03 29 Spring Break and a Spring Project!

We enjoyed a week with Heather, Mike and the Boys in Brookville. We also had an opportunity to visit with Lisa and Eimhin at the Fraley's. We celebrated Eimhin's birthday, too! It was great to see everyone and a good time was had by all.

It was also Spring Break for the boys and they enjoyed having a few days out of school. The weather was pretty nice and we spent time riding bikes, lots of eating and we also spent an afternoon at the bowling alley. As is part of their regular leisure activity, Justin and Peyton enjoy playing basketball and war with their neighbor, Hunter.

Nancy and Heather dreamed-up a project to undertake during the visit. They converted the garage into a play area or as we called it when we grew up - a rec room - for the boys. Oh my gosh - what were we thinking! It was a lot of work but it was well worth the effort. We are so tired, and our backs really hurt. Both of us are in need of a manicure and a Chiropractor.

In any event - the boys and their friends now have a place all their own that they can rough-house in - complete with a well-worn sofa to play video games. On request is a fridge for their drinks (we'll see - someday maybe.) When the chaos get's too much to bear - Heather and Mike can just close the door! Imagine - a bedroom is simply that - a bedroom. No TV, no clutter, no army men - just clothes in the closet and their beds. Hallelujah! Another plus - the living room is more of a sanctuary for the adults. Well, we can dream can't we......

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