Monday, June 15, 2009

2009 06 14 Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii, Italy

Early today we walked to the top of Mt. Vesuvius. The volcano is infamous because it's eruption in 79 AD destroyed the Italian city of Pompeii, killing over 3,000 people where they stood. Most died of asphixiation from the poisonous gas from the eruption. Volcanic Ash preserved remains that lay undiscovered for centuries!

He're is a shot of me and Joe at the top of the volcano. The most recent eruption was in 1944 during the Allied occupation of WWII. Experts predict the volcano will erupt within the next 10 years. Gas and vapors can be observed coming from inside the cauldron.

When we wrapped up our visit to the volcano we enjoyed lunch at a nearby cafe and toured the ruins of Ancient Pompeii. We walked the historic streets of the city, toured homes of the wealthy and viewed fantastic mosaics that remain on the floors. We even walked through one of 25 brothels that have been discovered here - complete with frescoes depicting a number of services men of the times might require. My gosh! It is the world's oldest profession. Interestingly enough the frescoes are preserved in amazing detail. It was explained that many patrons spoke foreign languages, and this way they were sure to get exactly what they wanted. They just ordered from the menu.....

Excavation continues and there are sure to be historic treasures that remain. Be sure to take a look at our photo album to view more shots from Vesuvius and Pompeii.

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