Saturday, March 21, 2009

2009 03 21 Visiting the Kids & Grandkids, Brookville, Indiana

We wrapped up our stay in Florida on Wednesday and made our way to Red Bay, Alabama. No, No, we weren't touring the Coon Dog Cemetery (ok, stop laughing) all kidding aside - it's a big deal in Red Bay.... but we did stop by the Tiffin Factory to have a couple of items looked after on our Rig. Since they are pretty stacked up this time of year we decided to leave the bus and drive to Indiana to see Heather, Mike, Justin and Peyton.

My gosh - time really does fly! The boys are so tall and are almost young men.....Where are our babies?????We drove straight through from Alabama, so we've spent today working a puzzle, doing a bit wrestling with the boys, and of course relaxing.... Tomorrow we're going bowling, bike riding and a bit of shopping. The boys want to go on a road trip - so we may find a day-trip somewhere for their "Spring Break" get-away. We have a quick lunch scheduled with Lisa and Eimhin on Thursday and a big family breakfast on Friday - before they head back to Seattle. We'll wrap up our visit in a few days and make our way back to Red Bay. The kids will be back in School, and Heather and Mike both will be working and going to school - so no real need to hang around long this time of year. We plan to come back and spend a bit more time this summer.

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