Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 30 & 31, 2007 Darwin and the Northern Territory of Australia

We departed Sydney for a long flight to the Northern Territory and the City of Darwin. We arrived at our hotel near Midnight and began early the following morning to embark on a four day tour of the Northern Territory.

To our surprise, our tour guide was a young lad from Tampico, Mexico who'd been in Australia for 3 years. Enrique was very nice, but his English was a bit broken. We were of course expecting an Australian or Aboriginal tour guide - but Enrique did a good job and we enjoyed our time with him and our tour very much.

Our first stop was in Litchfield National Park to visit the termite mounds. There are many different species of termites and each have a particular way they build their mounds. Primarily there are the Architectural Mounds (Pictured here) and the Magnetic Mounds (pictured below)which face in a perfectly North and South direction. Very interesting!

Next crossing a lot of bush country, we visited gorgeous Tolmer and Florence Falls, more driving, more beautiful waterfalls at Wangi then off to Katherine.
Oh! I almost forgot our touring buddies - Ursula and Gerhardt from Germany. Ursula spoke English well, Gerhardt understood English, but was nervous about speaking the language. Of course, me and Joe couldn't speak only one German word - Bier!

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