Friday, February 16, 2007

February 16, 2007 - The Medicare Band

Another local hot-spot in Port A is Sharky's Pub. The Headliner on Friday night is the Medicare Band.

Joe and I had driven by Sharky's for weeks and chuckled each time we read their sign. We recently met a couple here in the park, Bob and Peg Fortmann, who invited us to join them to go hear the band.

All kidding aside, these fellas are pretty good. You need to get there early to get a table, and when they announce "It's Mommmbbbaaaaa Time!" get out of the way. There is not an open spot on the dance floor. We can't really say the music is our cup of tea, but these guys are talented musicians.

The band plays from 6 pm to 9 pm and when it's over - it's over. As the clock strikes 9:01 - it's butts and elbows lined up to get out the door. We didn't know what they were rushing off for, but they really don't mess around. Heck - the band is out of there by 9:05.

All-in-all we had a fun evening.

Peg shared a cute story about another band in town she wanted to hear. The flyer said music from 9 to 12. She and Bob showed up at 9 and there wasn't a soul in the place. She inquired with the waiter when the band was to start and got quite a chuckle. "Oh Honey, that was this morning from 9 to noon!"

Just remember, if you're in Port A - bring your dancing shoes and check out The Medicare Band! For more photos at Sharkey's click here.

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